I have a new maid on its way. I have seen these little maids at work and love it. Life get busy and you need a little bit of help. Well I have it on the way. So excited. As they say. "You have a washing machine to wash your clothes, why not have a maid to vacuum and sweep".
Spoilt Girl!
Iwouldn't mind one of them, but I don't know how long it would last. Our Tiffi already attacks the vacuum cleaner and mops ....
NO WAY!!!!!
YOu MUST tell us what you think. I wanted one of these a few years ago but could not justify it... Then saw them again recently at a much better price... Owwww do tell when it comes.
Lucky you getting your own little robot!
How Cool! Let us know how wonderfully it works!
Very Cool!! would be interested in your thoughts!
A friend at work has had one for a few months and can't stop raving about it. Good on you.
My mum has one and love it. She can not vacuum any more it dose a great job. I am geting one for Christmas out of my Christmas club. Were did you buy your from?
definately keep us posted with how this goes!
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